PhD in Strategic Management in Technology, Master's degree by Beulah Heights University, GA. Master also in Marketing and Business Management. Graduated in Systems Analysis and Computer Science. I took several courses several extension courses in the USA. I was professor at the Federal University for 11 years, Consultant at SEBRAE, Professor of Advanced Courses of IT at UNB University, Project Management and Digital Marketing. I have experience in Computer Science, with emphasis in Methodology and Computer Techniques, working in the areas of Business Intelligence with ERP, E-learn, Electronic Media, Digital Marketing and CRM. I worked at SEFAZ for 9 years creating 33 administrative systems, I worked in the Government in the development of Process Systems, agreements, electronic point and Business Intelligence. He was director responsible for the General Ombudsman's Office of the State of Goiás, Internal Control Management of the General Control of the State of Goiás and internal systems of GED and Workflow. I was the creator of the electronic invoice in Brazil. I also taught in postgraduate courses (MBA) in the area of projects, BI, Knowledge Management and Technology no IPOG e FGV. I currently owns UniDoctors, a digital platform that connects Clinics, Doctors and Patients and another agribusiness platform for optimizing the use of agricultural equipment.


1990 - 2004

Created the professional coaching company for executives. He created the concept and method: “Think easy”. The goal was to get people to work the best technology tools without becoming technology professionals.

1999 - 2000

Created the online system of courses technical in colleges. The system generated all the necessary environment for student development and learning. Through his grades the system allowed the student to pass the level and the end, certificate.

2002 - 2006

Created the system of diaries for government officials. Control of government spending and operational research to verify the least financial and administrative impact.

2001 - 2006

Developed the electronic invoice system for the government. Currently the system is used in the whole country.

2003 - 2005

Creation of ITCD system. Transmission Tax Cause Mortis and Donation of any Goods or Rights. System controls assets and assets in cases of transfer of equity.


Creation of CRM that combines data mining and data analysis with strategic communication for the students of universities.

2009 - 2011

Created the public security system based on georeferencing. The system allows citizens to make complaints, critiques or request transparency information. The system analyzes this information with business intelligence and generates graphics and reports for public safety. Controls digital processes of all bidding and government procurement contracts. It was reproduced in 13 states in Brazil.

2009 - 2018

Professor at the Federal University and Postgraduate Institute.

2010 - 2018

Developed the state’s general ombudsman system. All government agencies use the same system. After the information is entered, the system automatically forwards to the responsible sector, where a BPM process is created automatically for control and generation of statistics.

2011 - 2017

Control of legal proceedings. Follow steps and alert the lawyer about stages of the process. Controls the cost and process life cycle.

2013 - 2017

Creation of CRM that combines data mining and data analysis with strategic communication for electors.

2015 - 2018

System of agreement for city halls. It controls purchases and budget of the federal government destined to the city halls of Brazil.

2016 - 2018

Developer of hiib platform. An easy way of advertising and hiring agricultural services from farmers in the whole world. Already used in Brazil, the goal now is the US.

2018 - 2022

Unidoctors – Multiprofessional, integrative and collaborative platform that digitizes health interactions.

2022 - Currently

Transformation architect creating several BIs, systemic routines, improvement processes of SAP to EMBRAER, internal process systems, SQDC online, stock and inventory processes, unlocking and maintenance of materials, internal reports, development of routines for process control. Created strategic information routines with databases, establishing communication with internal systems that resulted in the identification of errors in registrations of more than 6,000 products, with online reports, unlocking and financial visibility. Application of a BI tool as truly BI and not just infographics, identifying profiles for approaching users/positions and types of needs. Analysis of data from the internal and external information system for decision making based on EMBRAER's needs. Implemented process improvements, innovation, streamlining picking control service, improving service effectiveness and ease of interaction with stock. Managed systems analysis to recognize information about BINS and reorganizatoin of products in the wrong locations.

The best thing you like is a weighted average of everything you ever knew in your life. So alive!


The level of your knowledge measures the likelihood of your growth.

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