Created the professional coaching company for executives. He created the concept and method: “Think easy”. The goal was to get people to work the best technology tools without becoming technology professionals.
Created the online system of courses technical in colleges. The system generated all the necessary environment for student development and learning. Through his grades the system allowed the student to pass the level and the end, certificate.
Created the system of diaries for government officials. Control of government spending and operational research to verify the least financial and administrative impact.
Developed the electronic invoice system for the government. Currently the system is used in the whole country.
Creation of ITCD system. Transmission Tax Cause Mortis and Donation of any Goods or Rights. System controls assets and assets in cases of transfer of equity.
Creation of CRM that combines data mining and data analysis with strategic communication for the students of universities.
Created the public security system based on georeferencing. The system allows citizens to make complaints, critiques or request transparency information. The system analyzes this information with business intelligence and generates graphics and reports for public safety. Controls digital processes of all bidding and government procurement contracts. It was reproduced in 13 states in Brazil.
Professor at the Federal University and Postgraduate Institute.
Developed the state’s general ombudsman system. All government agencies use the same system. After the information is entered, the system automatically forwards to the responsible sector, where a BPM process is created automatically for control and generation of statistics.
Control of legal proceedings. Follow steps and alert the lawyer about stages of the process. Controls the cost and process life cycle.
Creation of CRM that combines data mining and data analysis with strategic communication for electors.
System of agreement for city halls. It controls purchases and budget of the federal government destined to the city halls of Brazil.
Developer of hiib platform. An easy way of advertising and hiring agricultural services from farmers in the whole world. Already used in Brazil, the goal now is the US.
Unidoctors – Multiprofessional, integrative and collaborative platform that digitizes health interactions.
Transformation architect creating several BIs, systemic routines, improvement processes of SAP to EMBRAER, internal process systems, SQDC online, stock and inventory processes, unlocking and maintenance of materials, internal reports, development of routines for process control. Created strategic information routines with databases, establishing communication with internal systems that resulted in the identification of errors in registrations of more than 6,000 products, with online reports, unlocking and financial visibility. Application of a BI tool as truly BI and not just infographics, identifying profiles for approaching users/positions and types of needs. Analysis of data from the internal and external information system for decision making based on EMBRAER's needs. Implemented process improvements, innovation, streamlining picking control service, improving service effectiveness and ease of interaction with stock. Managed systems analysis to recognize information about BINS and reorganizatoin of products in the wrong locations.
The best thing you like is a weighted average of everything you ever knew in your life. So alive!
List of most relevant
Electronic invoice system for the government
Developed the electronic invoice system for the government. Currently the system is the use and control of government and used in the whole country.
Ombudsman system of the government of the State of Goiás
Developed the state's general ombudsman system. All government agencies use the same system. After the information is entered, the system automatically forwards to the responsible sector, where a BPM process is created automatically for control and generation of statistics.
System controls processes and issues certificates of employees and companies
Coordination and creation of the state court system of the state general controller. System controls processes and issues certificates of employees and companies.
Digital reading control for government employees
Digital reading control for government employees. Controls entry and exit of employees and visitors through biometrics. System also takes a photo of the user at the time of registration.
Online system of courses technical in colleges
Created the online system of courses technical in colleges. The system generated all the necessary environment for student development and learning. Through his grades the system allowed the student to pass the level and the end, certificate.
Creation of ITCD system
Creation of ITCD system. Transmission Tax Cause Mortis and Donation of any Goods or Rights. System controls assets and assets in cases of transfer of equity.
System of diaries for government officials
Created the system of diaries for government officials. Control of government spending and operational research to verify the least financial and administrative impact.
An easy way of advertising and hiring agricultural services from farmers in the whole world
Developer of hiib platform. An easy way of advertising and hiring agricultural services from farmers in the whole world. Already used in Brazil, the goal now is the US.
System of agreement for city halls
System of agreement for city halls. It controls purchases and budget of the federal government destined to the city halls of Brazil.
Controls digital processes of all bidding and government procurement contracts
Created the public security system based on georeferencing. The system allows citizens to make complaints, critiques or request transparency information. The system analyzes this information with business intelligence and generates graphics and reports for public safety. Controls digital processes of all bidding and government procurement contracts. It was reproduced in 13 states in Brazil.
Control of legal proceedings
Control of legal proceedings. Follow steps and alert the lawyer about stages of the process. Controls the cost and process life cycle.
Minister of the Superior Court of Labor
The solutions developed by Dr. Marcelo Roncato had important and decisive contributions in the improvement of our activities. In addition to significant advances in the management of our processes, he also improved our skills with technological tools.
Immigration Federal Police Agent
About Dr. Marcelo Roncato I have to highlight his intelligence and vision of the future, a fact that was evident in the 1992, when, unlikely the others groups, on this initiative, developed applications already in line with the most modern operational vision, in which the use was simplified and aimed at the average user.
When we began to modernization of the Internal Control Model of CGE – General Controller of the State of Goiás, we did an extensive search for a system that would support the complexity of the operation. We chose to design and develop our own system. Thus came the SCI (internal Control System). And for this to happen the performance of Dr. Marcelo Roncato was fundamental. He participated in all the steps: from modeling, system start coding and maintenance to the present day.
CEO of the Union’s sectoral law
Dr. Marcelo Roncato has developed and implemented a very successful archive and research program for the Sectorial Advocacy unit of the States Controller’s Office, which is a tool of extreme practical relevance for the development of our work, a database of the documents prepared by this sectorial unit, allowing the search by character, facilitating, in a great wat, the sharing of the works among the servants to the knowledge of the manifestations and consolidation ; standardization of the legal pronouncements. Since the implementation of this tool, the work developed by the Sectorial Advocacy of the Controller General of the State has become much more cohesive and efficient, reducing the time spent on research and avoiding the elaboration of contradictory and disconnected guidelines, contributing decisively to the progress of our our work program and the success of sector.
Superintendence of General Ombusdman’s
As manager of Superintendence of General Ombusdman’s Office of the State, I can affirm that the collaborator Dr. Marcelo Roncato had an important and decisive contribution in the improvement of the activities developed here. As a result of its technical skills, the Electronic Ombusman Management System, a tool idealized by him, enabled the digitization of processes, the integration of all Governing Bodies and State Entities, as well as provided greater transparency of fovernmente acts, making the solution for all the phases of the service become digital, allowing even the monitoring, in real time, from the interested party. The recognition of the effort of those who work here can be evidenced when comparing the services performed. In 2011, when the tool was implemented, 2.630 citizens where served, while in 2017 this number got to 40,269.
Superintendent of Internal Affairs the General State
The disciplinary process control system used in the Superintendence of General Office of the State of Goiás was created by Dr. Marcelo Roncato. The use of such tool by the State Executive Branch, provides a qualitative leap in the production of data related to the activity inspected by this administrative unit, In addition it is possible to follow the progress of all the proceedings in the State, access documents, communicate acts, research information. It should be noted that the developed systema contributes to the achievement of the proposed goals and to the continuous improvement of our work.
Chief judge of the State of Goiás
The highlight of Dr. Marcelo Roncato has always been the speed and quality of his work, notably in the design of solutions related to the activity of government internal control. The first great work came with the implementation of the so-called Internal Control System that brings together a work-flow of the inspection and audit work processes and enables the electronic processing of documents. The implementation of this system generated effective savings to the State because it was not necessary to acquire a technological solution for pulp activities. He idealized the government’s system of covenants, wich was also completed in record time. It can be said that Dr. Roncato has an ability to understand the needs of end users, process the demands and propose effective solutions to the problems presented always with great speed.
Chief of Cabinet
The Internal Control System, idealized and developed by Dr. Marcelo Roncato with artificial intelligence, was a milestone within the State Controller’s Office. It enabled the digitization of all documents, reliable search files and distribution to ths units with satisfactory configurations to the area of operation. I would like to point out that the ICS has even allowed developed by CGE. His work served all areas of the organization, from the protocol to the file Superintendence and Cabinets. I hereby leave my thanks to the collaborator Dr. Marcelo Roncato for the genius of the system and for allowing transparency and efficiency in the process controls.
Institutional Business Consultant of Pfizer
Dr. Marcelo Roncato is a professional that empowers ans adds by the knowledge and form e transmits and implements the established actions with his clients, which make the processes and the strategic decisions become more visible and feasible. In this vision, Dr. Marcelo Roncato is decisive for any team that prioritizes team work, execution and monitoring of established projects.
General Manager of banco Bradesco
I met Dr. Marcelo Roncato through an MBA when in defense of a final thesis. At this moment, given the vast knowledge and technical skills that he has always demonstrated in the classroom, and personally in our conversations, we logically build up with the technology domain he had, a great work of completion, with unique experience of great satisfaction for me, academics and, as a person. I noticed the great professional that Dr. Marcelo Roncato is, but also, the great ethical person and committed to the wide range in the subject. I became reflective about it and went on to be an example in my profession career. Extremely flexible, practical, accurate and dynamic in his thoughts, ne bought me the experience of growth and a journey of friendship. I have gained not only a friend but also a professional that I trust and who I know I can count on at any time, with ethics and competence
General Manager of Bank of Brazil
Few people have the opportunity to work with a professional who is also a coach and mentor – I had it when I worked with Dr. Marcelo Roncato. I was particularly impressed with Dr. Marcelo Roncato’s ability to handle and assist with more demanding problems- and effortlessly. This ability often takes years to develop among consulting professionals, but it seems natural to him. As a member of leader, Dr. Marcelo Roncato deserves my best recommendation.
Chief of the Advisory of Information Technology
I worked with Dr. Marcelo Roncato with the development of technological solutions and he has always demonstrated focus, determination and high problem-solving skills presented to him! He never gives up on the most effective solution!
Judicial analyst at the Court of Justice
The project developed by Dr. Marcelo Roncato was perfectly executed and undoubtedly one of the greatest highlights of the State Court. The organization has gained a lot of performance. Our satisfaction and thanks to Dr. Marcelo Roncato goes from the initial process of the word that was developed with great professionalism, respect and fulfillment of deadlines, until the functional result of the project that met all our needs, valued the work of the government giving visibility and credibility of the entity along with the population. It has been months of work and reaching the end with the sense of accomplishment and pride in the result achieved is wonderful!
Orthopedic Physician / Ultrasonographist
Professor Dr. Marcelo Roncato was a key element to leverage my profession and the modern way that I see my patients, as well as my entire medical career. Since my medical residency in the mid-late 1990s, it coincided with the technological leap of the modern world in which I was not yet in perfect harmony. At his moment, Professor Dr. Marcelo Roncato has provided me with knowledge that to this day is very useful. Surely if I had not dedicated myself to such knowledge, I would not have evolved both as a medical professional and a medical professor. And in this sense, I have to acknowledge and tank the kind teacher, who had the patience and incredible teaching skill to teach me so much in such a short time.
CEO and Broadcaster of Goias diary
Seriousness and technical competence, with objectivity, is what guides the work provided by Dr. Marcelo Roncato, in his specialtys. In our company, he gave correct and firm contributions on the technology area from the first moments until the conclusion of the projects. Afterwards, it was possible to observe that we achieved a highly significant technological development.
Federal lawyer
I have known Dr. Marcelo Roncato for many year and have always admired him for his intelligence, description and commitment! Besides being a balanced and very thoughtful person, Dr. Marcelo Roncato is also quick in what he does and didactic in what he explains. It was very important the work done in our company by him which brought us more agility and safety at work. I recommend his as a professional and business partner.
Commercial Director – Skol beer
I would like to inform anyone who might be interested that Dr. Marcelo Roncato was as facilitator of various tools for presentation, projects, results and statistics in our company. Through his didactics we where able to aplly knowledge in our routines and train our team. Excellent facilitator of technological tools. I hereby reassure my appreciation to Dr. Marcelo Roncato professionalism and promptness.
CEO of Metalcouro
Dr. Marcelo Roncato was invited to develop a solution based on software with specific characteristics for my company. He impressed me with his performance, which, without straining his efforts, as always concerned with presenting the best. What it lacked of resources to the time, was often compensated with his total dedication to the objectives he undertakes.
Parliamentary Assistant
The technological contributions offered by Dr. Marcelo Roncato to the Government made a leap of modernity and efficiency. Currently, the system operate in almost all national territory, organizing and controlling processes in a faster and more transparent way. I also oberserved the implementation time, which was very fast and almost without impact, besides the very low cost. Its innovative vision gave the to states a new technological focus, providing with a more promising future and making it advance in a more sustainable way.
Intelligence Education Coordinator
Professor Dr. Marcelo Roncato, held the position of professor teaching the discipline of Knowledge Management in Intelligence in the MBA of Public Security Intelligence, course ate the Superintendence of the State Public Security Academy of the State (SAESP). The course was carried out in partnership with federal university, Goiás State Police School and Integrated Intelligence Superintendence of the Public Security Secretariat of the State. During the time that he was was part of the teaching staff of that course, Dr. Marcelo Roncato was dedicated and serious in his activities, demonstrating from the beginning, his strong sense of responsibility and helpfulness. We can also attest that he has the knowledge necessary for work and for the research. We give him our best recommendations. We belivie his presence will further enhance any work that is proposed and developed.
Tiers clothing company CEO
Our company has grown a lot with the solutions, both administrative and technological, presented by Dr. Marcelo Roncato. We emphasize not only the versatility but also the quality of the solutions. Our company increased its efficiency by 12% in the first half of the implementation and we are currently on the internet and on other platforms without having to undergo absolutely no type of migration or technological adaptation. This proves Dr. Marcelo Roncato’s visionary profile in everything he does.
Senior system analyst at Goiânia City Hall
I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Marcelo Roncato in the area of development of software-based solutions, requirements surveying and system deployment. During this period, I was able to see his commitment and quick responses to the requested demands.
Legal analyst of TSE (Superior Electoral Court)
At the Superior Electoral Court, we had the privilege of working with Dr. Marcelo Roncato, He is a calculated risk taker, pragmatic and realistic leader who seems to grasp ideas holistically. He allows those who work with him the ability to explore and understand almost every possible prospect for and idea and its myriad applications. Dr. Marcelo Roncato is a worker and a creator of value in the true sense.
CEO NeuroEduc Institute
I have been a client of Dr. Marcelo Roncato since 1991. I have taken several courses taught by him in the field of computer science and such courses are fundamental for my professional development. Since 2014 I have been CEO of Institute Intelectus 21 and I m receiving technical advice from Dr. Marcelo Roncato regarding the construction and maintenance of my systems, websites and guidelines on the latest computer trends. He is an excellent professional in relation to the relationship, the service of what is requested and the technical knowledge in the IT area. Therefore, I recommend him to any company that values quality.
Business manager – FAEG (Federation of Agriculture and Livestock)
I would like to thank Dr. Marcelo Roncato for the solutions presented and developed to our team, we have made significant strides in furthering company’s management, leading the management team to have better conditions in decision-making. The development and advice related to the creation of techno logical solutions with the purpose of customizing processes, contributed to the analysis of data and results which came out more agile and secure. Out expansion prospects, for the most part, are due to the work presented to us, giving us the conditions to analyze information that was not previously considered due to the lack of KPIs.
Secretary of the State
Dr. Marcelo Roncato is an example of a professional. Dedicated and committed to excellence in the provision of the service performed by he State Controller General. He projected with professionalism the State Systems of Management of Voluntary Transfers – SIGECON, used by the Government, and manages this systems, which is responsible for registering and executing the agreements with the 246 municipalities of Goiás, expanded by other states, with extreme skill. The system is fundamental to the operation of SIGECON, since there is the moment no server with the same qualification for the exercise of the mission assigned to it. As the great professional his is, I am sure that he would be a great addition to any institution or society, especially those that are linked to the creation of systems or new technologies.
The level of your knowledge measures the likelihood of your growth.
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